Kids of Same-Sex Parents Benefit From Supreme Court Ruling

On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States revealed their decision on the same-sex marriage case that had reached their court. The case was called Obergefell v Hodges. In short, the Justices of the Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality is the law of the land. Kids of same-sex parents benefit from this decision in so many important ways. The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote, ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to license marriage between two people of the same sex. They also ruled the the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to recognize a same sex … Continue reading

The Dirty Diaper and Your Child’s Health

According to a New York Times article, “In a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, researchers led by Anita Kozyrskyj found that babies born by C-Section vaginally, and that infants who were breast-fed had a different recipe of bacteria in their guts than those who were given formula.” And when it comes to health, specifically digestive heath and the immune system, it is the bacteria, or bugs, that count. Studies have long shown that children who have been delivered by C-Section have greater risks of certain illnesses, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity, as do children who were … Continue reading

Cleaning Out Your Backpack

After going through a divorce it is easy to get bogged down with negativity. We begin filling our backpacks with rock after rock after rock and before long, the weight on our shoulders is keeping us from moving forward and climbing the mountains before us. When I was going through my divorce my self-esteem was at an all time low. Every morning I would look in the mirror and start piling the rocks in my backpack. “Nobody is going to want me now.” Clunk! “I’m not pretty enough.” Clunk! “I’m not skinny enough.” Clunk! “I couldn’t keep my marriage together. … Continue reading

How Premarital Counseling Might Help Marriages

What comes next? The other week one of the local radio station’s morning talk program held a discussion on marriage. A young engaged woman called in. She said that she signed herself and her fiance up for premarital counseling. She did so, she claimed, because her husband-to-be doesn’t know anything about what a modern marriage ought to be like. Her beloved was raised by his socially conservative grandmother. Now that they’re approaching their married life it came out that he believes she will do all of the work around the house and take care of the kids. We’ve looked at … Continue reading

Learning to Love Yourself

When I got divorced I didn’t know how to be single. I had never given myself the time to be single, even as a teenager. My identity had become engrossed in having someone else love me, and when that person was gone I suddenly didn’t know who I was anymore. At first I panicked. Within a few weeks of the split I was out rushing to find someone to fill the void so I could feel good about myself again. I dated and dated for months trying to alleviate some of the pain I was feeling. I was absolutely terrified … Continue reading

Could Your Husband Cope?

Could your husband cope if you were laid up for a while? The impression I get from many women, particularly those around my age group or older, is that their husbands wouldn’t know the first thing about how to cook a meal, do the laundry or do any of the other household chores that need to be done, especially when the wife is laid up. This puts pressure on the wife to keep going, even when she should not because she is too sick. Mick thankfully has done a great job over the last few weeks and given the ongoing … Continue reading

Could You Trust Your Husband?

I wonder how many Mother’s Day, anniversary or birthday presents husbands have bought for their wives end up tucked away in the back of a cupboard, never to see the light of day or on their way back to the shop? Could you trust your husband to buy you an item or clothing, a handbag, a piece of jewelry, a CD or book you would like? Mick constantly astounds friends and acquaintances of ours by being able to buy clothes for me that not only fit but look nice, that I feel comfortable wearing as they are colors and styles … Continue reading

The Arts and Marriage- Part 2

Sometimes with the arts, it’s a matter of not making assumptions. Recently a friend made an assumption because her husband wouldn’t go to an arts event, no-one else’s husband would either. There’s always a danger and a problem with making blanket assumptions about people. Opportunity and trying new things can make the change. Mick found when he was willing to try live theatre, he liked it. He liked how it’s a different medium to movies and how actors, directors and stage technicians get around the scenery changes required. He also liked the immediacy of live theatre. But he wouldn’t have … Continue reading

Disasters and Marriage

Disasters affect relationships in one of two ways. They can bring a couple closer together as they cling to each other for support and comfort and love. Or they can produce so much anger that people turn against each other and take out their frustrations on those closest to them. This is eyes exactly what is happening in Christchurch. Reports show ‘domestic violence has surged by 50 percent after a major tremor rocked New Zealand’s second city last September.’ That tremor was ‘the prelude to Tuesday’s quake that left at least 123 dead and destroyed parts of the city centre.’ … Continue reading

The Makings of a Good Marriage

What are the makings of a good marriage? Well there are several things that are important but a couple of them really stand out to me. One is perseverance. Perseverance is something sorely lacking in many marriages today. Think about what perseverance really means. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary it means to make a continual effort or to achieve something despite there being obstacles in the way such as opposition, failures or difficulties. Isn’t that what every marriage faces? At one point or another we may find ourselves in a season of trouble and tribulation. But when we can persevere, or … Continue reading